The Publisher Extension is an addition to Blaze Terra, allowing users to share their output with colleagues and other users. The Publisher Extension is designed to address the growing global need for efficient collaboration and circulation of geospatial data amongst different users. Using the Publisher Extension, users can export and publish their geospatial data as various multimedia files to various GIS systems and applications.
Key Features
- Publish a scene of multiple layers, in high resolution, to various possible outputs.
- Publish tools can be used to print, create documents, presentations, and record videos.
- Custom publish area (polygon) can be selected (based on feature, drawing or layer).
- High-quality printing (from low to high DPI) with templates.
- Publish Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files with templates.
- Export high resolution raster files (up to 10 giga-pixel).
- Publish documents to PDF, 3D PDF, geospatial PDF and Layered PDF (with templates).
- Record high definition video with real-time encoding (up to 1024×768 24fps).
- Live broadcasting of dynamic scenes as MMS video stream (multiple clients).